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Product Giveaway

To get enroll with product giveaway, follow the steps give below. If you complete all three steps you will get a product for free worth $20. If you complete 1 or 2 steps then you will get the discount accordingly.

Step 1: Get 25% Off.

Review Us On Trust Pilot and Get 25% Off.

Take the Screenshot of the review and email us at

Step 2: Get 25% Off.

Follow us on Instagram, create a story & post with our product and Get 25% Off.

Take the Screenshot of the follow and & Tag us after that email us the screenshot at

Step 3: Get 50% Off.

Create a review video of the product on vertical mode for upto 60 seconds. Example: 

Video Link: Click Here

Share the video with us at

After completing any of the step mentioned above, do share the screenshot/video with us at

Our Team Will reach you back for your address and desired product. Also, you can apply only for 2 times for the product giveaway.